Our forest rangers in Ivohiboro need tents when they collect data, oversee Foxhole Forest planting, and go on patrols. Their current tents are ready to be retired, so we need replacements, but we're short 3 tents. By "purchasing" this item, you're actually donating funds to help us buy the item ourselves.
Tent for Madagascar Rangers
Items featured in our "Wishlist" store with the "For Us" ribbon are things we need to help us restore endangered ecosystems. When you "buy" one of these items, you're donating the funds we need to purchase that item.
Wistlist items range from physical products (like GPS units or shovels) to units of restoration (like a Micro-Prairie in the Palouse or a Foxhole Forest in Madagascar) to general support (like a day of food for community members helping restore rainforest or coffee for our Palouse crew).